With hope that this page will bring glory to God and attention to His Word, you are invited to check here most every day for a piece of scripture, thoughts on the verse(s) and a prayer.  May the ideas presented here bring you edification and fulfillment as you continue your journey with Christ.


Friday December 27, 2024



Today's Scripture:


Thoughts on Today's Verse(s):

St. Matthew doesn't give near the poetic attention to the birth of Christ that Luke does but he does shine the light on someone else who was/is critical in the story of Christmas: Joseph. Actually, it's pretty easy to lose sight of how important he as in bringing The Messiah into the world. God chose him as much as he chose Mary; they were selected as a godly couple.

Can we blame Joseph for thinking he would dismiss Mary quietly. That is, set her aside as gracefully as he could as it was apparent to Him and everyone else that she had "stepped out on him". They were a betrothed couple and he knew he was not the father of her baby. Aaah, but that's where The Lord stepped in and sent his messenger/angel to deliver the message that this was a Holy Child, the long-promised Messiah, who would save the people from their sins.

Still, how many young men would believe that what he was hearing was real? How many would consider a dream to be real direction and heed it? Not all; but Joseph did. The faithful young Jew stood by his bride and in the end helped make The Lord's work come to fruition. Why? What was it that caused him to listen and believe and follow the instructions of the angel of The Lord?

Maybe we cannot be entirely sure but, this author suggests it was the quoting of The Holy Scriptures. The angel quoted Isaiah (7:14) saying, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, God with us". Joseph was a Jewish man of faith and no doubt had heard this wonderful prophecy from God, through Isaiah, many times in the temple. It was God's voice being affirmed and endorsed in Joseph's devoted and loyal heart that stirred him to consider his dream to be authentic and thus caused him to obey the directions of the angel.

What does this mean for us? We can admire and appreciate the true and genuine persona of Joseph. We too can be a loyal and devoted servant of God, through His Holy Word. When we read and hear The Holy Scriptures, we too can be spurred to obedience and be incited to action like Joseph was; simple, loyal, humble action that helps The Lord grow His kingdom. When it seems that The Word is asking us to do something strange, we too can obey and do the thing that seems to fly in the face of conventional worldly wisdom. Joseph did and look what he helped to make happen.


Lord God, how Holy and powerful is Thy word. We read it today and marvel at the effect it had upon a young Jewish man whom You chose well to be earthly father of Your Son, Jesus, The Messiah. He had heard Your Words read in temple worship and when You sent Your angel to comfort him, he listened. May we be as faithful, O Lord. When we are given direction by You, through The Holy Spirit, may we be as obedient and faithful as Joseph that You may accomplish Your good, pleasing and perfect will for the people of God in Your kingdom. We praise You for Your wisdom and majesty in selecting a wonderful couple of saints to make the birth of Jesus come to fruition.
Through Christ our Lord we laud and magnify Thy Holy Name and Word, Amen.




Recent Editions of Thought for the Day:


Sunday December 22, 2024

Monday December 23, 2024

Tuesday December 24, 2024

Wednesday December 18, 2024

Thursday December 19, 2024

Friday December 27, 2024

Saturday December 21, 2024



Thought for the Day is presented by

The Rev. R. Cowie at